Saturday, 1 September 2012

Secure Yahoo Account from Hijackers with Second Sign-In Verification

We already guided you How To Secure Gmail With 2 Step Authentication .Recently Yahoo also introduced Second Sign-In Verification to give extra protection to your account from getting hacked.Still it is running in its beta version(Testing Mode).
If you dont know what is 2 Step Authentication then its an extra step given to protect your account from hijackers.Two-factor authentication means “something you know” (like a password) and “something you have,” which can be an object like a phone. 

Steps To Enable Second Sign-In Verification for Yahoo Account:

1.Login to your Yahoo Account.
2.Go to Account Info.
3.Now if Yahoomail asks for password enter the password and hit sign-in.
4.Then in Account Info go to Set up your second sign-in verificationBeta .
5.Check the box to Turn on 2 Step Authentication.
6.Choose your country and enter the phone number.
7.A verification code will be sent to your mobile then enter the code to setup 2 Step Authentication.
8.You also have an option to access your account by Answering Security Questions when you don't have access to your mobile phone.
9.So make sure to set strong security questions to give maximum protection to your account.
10.That's it,you are done.Your are using Second Sign-In Verification for Yahoo Account.

Last Words:

Yahoo has taken a good step by introducing Second Sign-In verification to give maximum protection to your account from getting hacked.Though its in the beta phase I didn't face any trouble with this service.If you have any questions regarding this feel free to ask us via your comments.

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