Saturday, 16 February 2013

How To Optimise For Mobile In 2013

According to the Cisco Visual Networking Index Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast for 2012-2017, mobile traffic increased by 70% in 2012 and will grow 13-fold by 2017. By the end of 2013, the number of mobile devices is predicted to be more than the number of people on earth, driving about 93% of the world’s mobile data traffic.
Impressive, isn’t it? If you haven’t optimised for mobile yet, it’s high time you did. Platforms like dotMailer can assist you in making the most of mobile email marketing. Here’s what you can do.

Embrace responsive email design

Responsive email design is based on using adaptive email layouts. This means that emails can be easily restructured without losing any valuable content so that the most essential information is available for mobile readers while unnecessary design elements are hidden. To create mobile-friendly newsletters, scale them down, change the text size, the background colour and images if necessary. You can get inspired by the mobile version of British Airways featuring easy-to-click “Read More” buttons.

Use mobile optimised templates

The easiest way to create mobile optimised emails is using quality templates that can make your newsletters look great on laptops, smartphones, and tablets. No need to code or worry about mobile display. All you have to do is customise one of mobile-optimised templates available on the web so your email will scale depending on the size of the reader’s screen.

Create a great email landing page

Optimising your email landing page for mobile is important if you want subscribers to have access to your website content. Make the landing page content visible and every word meaningful so you can cut the page copy in half. Remember about click-to-call functionality to drive mobile conversions and make sure everything on your landing page is thumb-friendly. A visible phone icon and the “Call Now” call to action totally work for mobile users.

Test, test, test

To make sure all the links are easy to click, images are quick to load and content is visible, test your mobile email version on a variety of devices, from smartphones to laptops. Your email format should be appropriate for any device, your email design should be creative and attention-grabbing while staying easy to read. Don’t make the recipient scroll to get your message.
As new mobile technologies are being developed all the time, mobile email usage is skyrocketing. Don’t miss out on multiple marketing opportunities: mobile optimised email is a must for every business to grow revenue in 2013.

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